chose to defend Chang'an.Emperor Wu of Han, upon hearing this news, ultimately did not banish the hundred schools of thought but instead actively reimplemented the Hundred Schools plan, fortifying Cha..........
The master's grave error led to an unprecedented defeat. Nidhogg escaped, and even the Staff of Tomorrow cannot reveal its whereabouts.
However, we came across an ancient altar in the underground lair. The age of the sacrificial offerings is unreliable, but I believe its strangeness and malice were the catalysts for the calamity to occur.
I'm afraid it all points to an ancient conspiracy.... "
"Yagong, what did you find"
"inland.For ten years, the city of Troy stood firm.Until the night of the Trojan Horse.The super fortress on this cliff was burned to the ground.The Holy Domain Masters are leading the shaken Winter Li...